Monday, September 29, 2008

The Upcoming Election.

As many of you know, the upcoming election is just on the horizon.

I happen to be working for the election this year as a Poll Clerk for the advance polls. I just got home from my training session in how to do this job since apparently my job is kinda important. During this time I came across a very startling revelation.

I am probably 60 years younger than 98% of the other people working the election.

Upside = Cookies, sweaters and hugs, because apparently am a "fine young gentleman".

Downside = Probabbly no flirting with co workers on the job... well... maybe.


PS. Vote.
PPS. I was kidding about the flirting thing. I will not flirt. Unless there are cookies and sweaters at stake.

1 comment:

athena said...

my grandma was a poll clerk last year. she gives fine hugs, knits colourful sweaters and bakes a delcious cookie from time to time. she also said the job itself was pretty boring.